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7 Commentaires sur "If you want to add the point, click here!"
Zdraví vás Vousův kmen ze Skanzenu v Jivjanech
Hi, thank you for this initiative and the opportunity for us to present our group.
Title : Trimatrici
Description : celtic reenactment group focusing on the last independent decade in Gauls. We do celtic fight and crafting.
Adress : 10a rue des anémones, 67150 Gerstheim, FRANCE
GPS coordinates : 48°22’38.1″ – N 7°42’13.7″E or 48.377265 – 7.703815
Category : celtic group
URL : http://www.trimatrici.fr
Hello, thank you for your comment, I added the facts you gave me on the map. Could you send me the description in French? I can do the translation myself but i think yours will be better 🙂
Many thanks.
Title : Viviskes
Description : We’re a celtic reenactment group focused mainly on fighting and daily activities as well as crafting in the Helvetii territory.
Adress : Terrain de Crédeilles, Av. de Crédeilles, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland.
GPS coordinates : 46°27’42.0″N 6°51’06.1″E
Category : celtic group
URL : http://www.viviskes.ch
Hi, headquarter is in Lorraine, France.
Kind regards